Category Archives: Import

Around OCA for April, 2005

Posted on by tepiastar

Astronomy and the Lewis and Clark expedition (I had a lot of fun researching this my small bit toward the bicentennial celebration), this year’s Messier Marathon, and a sad farewell to Jon Bearscove, the OCA Archivist, who has become a long-distance member up in Seattle This is the complete article; the closing comments didn’t appear in the version printed in the Sirius Astronomer.

REMINDER – OCA Dark Sky Group meeting tonight at 7:30!

Posted on by tepiastar

This is the first meeting of the OCA Dark Sky group – anyone with an interest in preserving (or even improving) our night skies is very welcome! For the tentative agenda and directions, please click on the title to this article. For more information, please contact Barbara Toy, or 714/606-1825.

Astrophysics Meeting tonight (March 18, 2005) at 7:30!

Posted on by tepiastar

Just a reminder – the Astrophysics meeting will be held tonight at the Centennial Heritage Museum, even if it’s raining. For directions, please click the title – and we look forward to seeing everyone there!

Messier Marathon information and worksheets

Posted on by tepiastar

In light of the upcoming Messier Marathon on March 12th, why not read up on the subject and download some forms to keep track of your skywatching. Image of M5 by Arnie Rosner.

Around OCA for March, 2005

Posted on by tepiastar

Inauguration of a new series of articles, with an account of the Kuhn and the night it burned out, some of our needs in the club observatory, and the OCA Dark Sky Group: what we’re about and some early activities.

Permanent Pad Site Available at Anza

Posted on by tepiastar

A site to build a permanent pad at Anza has become available. The prior license holder never built on his site despite the best of intentions and has now decided to sell his site license to someone else.

Astrophysics Meeting – Tonight (Fri.) at 7:30!

Posted on by tepiastar

The lecture we’ll be watching gets into the deep stuff and is called “Theories of Everything, and Hidden Dimensions.” Subjects include dark energy and the accelerating universe, theories of everything, and string theory. This is the second to last lecture of Dr. Filippenko’s most recent series of lectures.

In addition to the lecture, we’ll have Don Lynn’s update on what’s going on with Cassini, the Mars Rovers, and all the great things he’s printed from NASA and other sites, the usual discussion session following the lecture, and (of course!) socializing – rain or not, we’ll be there, and we hope you’ll join us!

For directions, please click on the title to this article.

Help Needed For Outreaches!

Posted on by tepiastar

Many thanks to the people who showed up tonight (Wed.) for the outreach – with a crowd of 300 people, we’d have been in serious trouble without your help!

We still need people to help out with the outreaches on Thursday and Friday. If you can come, please do – a number of the people who showed up on Wed. have conflicts on one or both of the other nights, so we really need you!

For all the details (including directions), please click on the title to this article.

Hope to see you there!

Amended Proposed Agenda for January Board Meeting

Posted on by tepiastar

This is the amended version of the proposed agenda for the Board meeting on Sunday at 5:30 p.m., with the usual potluck at 5:00. This will be the first meeting of the 2005 Board. To see the amended agenda, please click on the title.

The meetings are open to any member who wants to attend, and any member who attends will be very welcome. Because of security concerns where we meet, please notify Barbara Toy ( or 714/606-1825) or Bob Buchheim ( or 949/459-7622) if you want to attend.

Last Day to Vote!

Posted on by tepiastar

If you haven’t voted yet it the OCA election for the 2005 Board, please either turn in your ballot at the General Meeting tonight (1/14) or mail it in today. Remember – if it’s postmarked after 11:59 p.m. on 1/14 (i.e. tonight) it won’t be counted!