Category Archives: Import

2005 Candidate Statements

Posted on by tepiastar

Please click the title to see the candidate statements submitted so far.

How to Use Your Telescope Class on Jan. 7, 7:30 p.m.

Posted on by tepiastar

Note: The class will take place even if it’s raining – but we’ll be inside the classroom instead of outside.

Did you get a telescope as a gift but can’t figure out how to set it up? Do you have a telescope lying around the house that you can’t get to work right? Bring your telescopes and your problems to our free “How to Use Your Telescope” class on Friday, 1/7/05 at 7:30 p.m. at the Centennial Heritage Museum in Santa Ana. For details, directions, and to download a flyer on the class with a map, please click on the title.

If you know how to use any type of telescope, please come as a volunteer to help out it’s always a lot of fun, and we volunteers learn a lot, too!

Astrophysics Meeting – Fri. 12/17 (Directions added)

Posted on by tepiastar

The meeting starts at 7:30, in the classroom behind the Centennial Heritage Museum. The next lecture in the new series from Dr. Fillipenko is titled “The Stuff of the Cosmos.” From the program notes: “We live in a bizarre universe where the visible matter constitutes less than 1% of all that exists.” This lecture discusses the other 99% – what we have learned in recent years, and what we still don’t know.

Don Lynn has promised to bring more recent pictures from the space program, with explanations, and we’ll have our usual discussion period(s), and maybe even some Christmas treats!
For more information, please contact Chris Buchen at For directions, please click on the title to this article.

Member’s Night presentation links

Posted on by tepiastar

A collection of links presented at the December 10th OCA meeting.

Nominate Candidates for the Board through 8:00 p.m. Sunday, 12/12/04!

Posted on by tepiastar

We agreed at the general meeting on Friday, 12/10/04, to extend the time for nominating candidates for any of the Board positions to Sunday night. The cut-off is now 8:00 p.m. on Sunday, 12/12/04. I’ll finalize the ballot then – so be sure to get your nominations in!
For how to make your nominations, please click on the title to this article…

Welcome to Hassi Norlen as our new Website Editor!

Posted on by tepiastar

It’s official! Hassi Norlen has now taken over the duties of Website Editor from Russ Sipe, completing the new website management team. Hari Dudani is our Technical Webmaster, dealing with the “nuts and bolts” side of maintaining and improving the website, while Hassi will be dealing with the content aspects of the site.

Hari and Hassi – thank you both for taking on these responsibilities, and we look forward to seeing what the two of you will be doing with the site in the future!

Russ Sipe and Liam Kennedy – our deepest thanks to both of you for all you have done to make the site what it is today!

Astrophysics Meeting – Friday, 11/19/04

Posted on by tepiastar

This month’s Astrophysics meeting (Friday, Nov. 19) will feature Alex Filippenko’s lecture on the expanding universe, as illuminated by recent supernovae distance studies. Professor Filippenko has been personally active in this area of very active research, so this lecture should be especially rewarding.

The meeting starts at 7:30 p.m. in the classroom behind the Centennial Heritage Museum, and we expect that it will begin with Don Lynn’s update on recent developments with the Mars landers, Cassini, etc., including explanations of the pictures he downloads and generously brings to the meetings to share with the rest of us. As usual, the meeting will include discussion of various issues raised by the lecture, current events in the research realm, and otherwise of interest to those in attendance.

For more information, please contact Chris Buchen (, the Coordinator for the Astrophysics SIG.

Everyone is welcome – we look forward to seeing you there!

Constellation Myths Reference List

Posted on by tepiastar

Shelley Bonus has kindly provided us with an extensive list of references she has found, covering myths and stories associated with the constellations from many different cultures. If you know of any that aren’t on her current list, please email her the information – the list is a work in progress,and she’d love to hear from you. To see the full list, please click on the article title.

Updated Agenda for Board Meeting on tonight, 11/7/04

Posted on by tepiastar

This is the updated agenda for the Board meeting tonight (Sunday, 11/7/04).
All members are welcome to come to the meeting, but please telephone me at 714/606-1825 in advance if you want to come, as our generous host, Lockheed Martin, needs to know who is expected.

How to Use Your Telescope Class moved to 1/7/05

Posted on by tepiastar

The “How to Use Your Telescope” session of OCA’s Beginners Class has been moved from this coming Friday (11/5/04) to the January session of the Beginners Class, which will be on 1/7/05. If you have questions or are having problems with your telescope, though, we’ll be happy to talk to you about them before or after the the class session. The class this coming Friday will be “Instruments, Part 2,” which is mainly centered on telescope mounts.
For the complete revised class schedule, please click on the title, above.