Category Archives: Import

Bommer Canyon Outreach/Public Viewing event tonight at 8:30

Posted on by tepiastar

A reminder for Outreach volunteers, and for people who’d like try doing an outreach in a nice wilderness park setting – one of our regular outreaches at Bommer Canyon is tonight at 8:30.

This event is open to the general public – if you’d like a chance to see the stars from a pretty dark location near UCI, come on out!

For directions and details, please click on the title to this article or check the calendar entry.

Around OCA for September, 2005

Posted on by tepiastar

Unusual summer weather, help needed for Anza House, the club observatory and the AstroImage 2006 Conference, and Part 2 of the Astronomer’s Guide to Dealing with Shyness and Stage Fright (which includes a highly personal tour of the club’s Special Interest Groups)

Astrophysics Meeting – 8/19/2005 at 7:30 p.m.

Posted on by tepiastar

Just a reminder – the Astrophysics SIG meets this Friday at 7:30 in the classroom behind the Centennial Heritage Museum. The videos we’ll be watching are Alex Fillipenko on “The Stars and Their Lives” and Richard Wolfson on “Einstein’s Special Theory of Relativity for Non-Scientists.” We’ll also have pictures collected by Don Lynn, and our usual discussions of current events and issues of interest coming out of the videos. Hope to see you there!

For directions, please click on the title to this article.

September Presidents Message

Posted on by tepiastar

Monthly Presidents Message – State and welfare of the club.

Whittier Daily News Article on the Perseids

Posted on by tepiastar

This week the Whittier Daily News interviewed OCA Vice-President Craig Bobchin for an article about this month’s Perseid meteor shower.

OCA Web Site down for maintenance Fri. & Sat., 8/12 & 13

Posted on by tepiastar

The OCA web site will be down for hardware maintenance from around 9:00 p.m. PDT on Friday, August 12th for up to 16 hours. We should be back up again by Saturday night. If you’re interested in the details, please click on the title to see a copy of the relevant portions of the hosting company’s announcement of the maintenance.

SCAE (Southern California Astronomy Expo)

Posted on by tepiastar

This Friday, April 2, 2004, 7:30 p.m., held behind the Centennial Heritage Museum, Santa Ana.

Do you have a telescope that’s giving you problems? Bring it to the class and get some help from our volunteers!

Are you thinking of getting a telescope? Come to the class and check out the telescopes others bring, find out what they like and dislike about them, get a feel for how the telescopes really work before you make your decision.

Do you like helping people who are having equipment problems get their telescopes working so they can enjoy what’s out there for themselves? Come along to the class -ììì we can use your help!

In Memory of Antonio Miro

Posted on by tepiastar

After a long and valiant struggle to overcome long-term complications of diabetes, Antonio Miro passed away on June 24, 2005. This is my memorial to one who was a dear friend to many of us in the club, and who is very much missed.


Posted on by tepiastar

Because help we thought had been lined up is now unavailable, we urgently need help both with the design and building of the new observatory roof and with work that’s needed on the old roof to keep it functioning until it can be replaced. Any help you can give would be deeply appreciated. Please click on the title for details.

Around OCA for July, 2005

Posted on by tepiastar

When this was written for the Sirius Astronomer, Antonio Miro was doing well and we all had high hopes that he would soon be back among us. Unfortunately, his heart was ultimately unable to withstand the stresses of his condition, and he passed away early on June 24, 2005. I modified the article somewhat from what appeared in the SA because of this sad development.

Except for the changes as to Antonio, this is the full version of the article as originally written; certain portions were edited out of the version that appeared in the SA for the best of reasons – Steve Condrey received a lot of material for that issue and ran out of space.