Category Archives: Import

Symposium at CalTech Friday, May 21

Posted on by tepiastar

The Babcock Memorial Symposium features talks by 9 astronomers who were important in the histories of Mt. Wilson and Las Campanas Observatories. Here are the details:

EOA Changes its Regular Meeting Day

Posted on by tepiastar

The Electronically Oriented Astronomers SIG (aka the EOA) is changing its regular meeting day from the 3rd Wednesday of the month to the 4th Monday of the month. The next meeting date is therefore July 26, 2004. The location and time will stay the same.

CalTech Talk on Finding Near Earth Objects Before They Find Us

Posted on by tepiastar

On 5/20/04 at 7:00p.m. at CalTech’s Beckman Auditorium, JPL’s Donald Yeomans talks about the scenario in the movie “Armageddon” and finding near-earth objects that could collide with earth. Here are the details.

Anza Clean-up Day this Sat., 5/15/04

Posted on by tepiastar

Come out early for the star party at Anza this Saturday, and help clean up the site! We need to do weed clearance for fire control and general safety (as well as for comfort!), clear away various piles of rubbish, and generally clean things up. Please feel free to bring clippers, weed-eaters, trowels, shovels, and other tools to help out. See you out there!

Agenda for 5/2/04 Board Meeting

Posted on by tepiastar

This is the tentative agenda for the meeting of the OCA Board this Sunday, May 2, 2004. This isn’t cast in stone – it can change, and the most likely changes would be additions to the agenda.

All members are welcome to attend. If you want to come, please contact Barbara Toy ( or 714/606-1825) in advance of the meeting.

Reminder! Astrophysics SIG meeting is this Friday, April 9!

Posted on by tepiastar

Because the general meeting was moved to April 16, the Astrophysics SIG meeting is on the second Friday of the month this month. It will be held, as usual, in the classroom behind the Centennial Heritage Museum, located at 3101 W. Harvard S., Santa Ana. Harvard is between Edinger and Warner, and the museum is about a block west of Fairview. The driveway is at the western edge of the property.

Feel free to join us it should be a lively meeting! We expect that it will start with an update on the latest pictures and information from Mars, courtesy of Don Lynn. Other features of the evening program will be viewing a video lecture and discussions of issues raised in the lecture and other items of interest to those who are present.

April 2004 President’s Message

Posted on by tepiastar

A reminder that the Astrophysics meeting is on April 9 and the General Meeting is on April 16 (their usual dates have been switched); an introduction to the Centennial Heritage Museum (formerly the Discovery Museum) for those who may not have found it yet, with gratitude for its support of our activities over the years; and exciting developments with MOCAT and renovations at Anza House. (The picture is of the MOCAT observatory with Anza House behind it, February 2004.)

3/27/04 Jupiter triple shadow transit observing report

Posted on by tepiastar

Late March ’04 provided a glorious view of an uncommon shadow transit on Jupiter.

OCA’s Spring “How to Use Your Telescope” Class

Posted on by tepiastar

This Friday, April 2, 2004, 7:30 p.m., held behind the Centennial Heritage Museum, Santa Ana.

Do you have a telescope that’s giving you problems? Bring it to the class and get some help from our volunteers!

Are you thinking of getting a telescope? Come to the class and check out the telescopes others bring, find out what they like and dislike about them, get a feel for how the telescopes really work before you make your decision.

Do you like helping people who are having equipment problems get their telescopes working so they can enjoy what’s out there for themselves? Come along to the class we can use your help!

Spitzer Telescope and "NEW Planet"- called Sedna

Posted on by tepiastar

A breaking news story reports that NASA will be holding a press conference on Monday 15th all about a new object (nearly the size of Pluto) whose discovery was aided by the Spitzer Space Telescope. Very appropriate news as our speaker at the March meeting last Friday was Dr Luisa Rebull from the Spitzer project.