2/2/08 Beginners Class – AstroImaging Basics!

Posted On January 30, 2007

Our Beginners Astronomy Class is held at the Centennial Heritage Museum in Santa Ana.  For details, including the schedule of topics and course handouts, please see the webpage on the Beginners Class, under “About OCA” and “Special Interest Groups.”   There are six sessions in each cycle of the Beginners Class, with each session covering a different set of topics.  The class session on 2/2/07 the last of the current cycle, and is on the basics of AstroImaging (also referred to as astrophotography).  You do not have to attend the sessions in any specific order, as they are designed to be independent of each other.

The Centennial Heritage Museum is located at 3101 West Harvard Street in Santa Ana, which is midway between Edinger and Warner, and is about a half-block west of Fairview Avenue on the right side of the street as you travel west from Fairview.  The class is in the classroom behind the main museum buildings; come in the driveway at the west end of the property, follow it around to the parking area, and the classroom is on the far side of the parking area.

The classes are free and open to the public as well as members of OCA.  Note:  All non-OCA members who attend will be allowed to visit our Anza dark site or our Black Star Canyon dark site for a monthly star party.