03/10/07 Black Star Canyon recap

Posted On March 12, 2007

I opened the gate just after 5:30 and the Temp was 67F and by midnight when we closed, it had fallen to just 47F…so was definitely a lot warmer than past winter months. Unfortunately the night sky was never completely clear of clouds, but they drifted around so we did get to see objects most everywhere at one time or another.

There were clouds covering the comets near Venus and galaxies were hard to see but star clusters and double stars looked great. We could see several of the moons around Saturn and the Orion Nebula was clear at times.

We had a number of cub scouts and several girl scout visitors which I entertained by explaining what we amatuer astronomers like to observe and how far away these objects are from Earth. I gave them a night sky tour and showed them Saturn in my telescope which they could have looked at all night long. I want to thank the many OCA members that also took time to explain astronomy to the scout guests and show them other objects in their telescopes. Those kids will probably remember that night for a long time to come.