Astrophysics Special Interest Group
OCA Astrophysics Special Interest Group hosts an in-person forum for members and guests interested in cosmology, the science of the search for extraterrestrial life, the science and technology of space exploration and many other relevant topics.
Our meetings are a lively mix of open discussion, member presentations and media produced by the astronomy/astrophysics community. We also take advantage of opportunities to tour regional science facilities such as Mt. Wilson Observatories, NASA Goldstone Deep Space Communications Complex and NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory.
Our meetings are held at Orange Coast College, Astronomy House, usually on the third Friday of each month at 7 PM. A monthly meeting agenda is emailed to members that contains meeting location and directions to OCC Parking Lot E, nearby Astronomy House.
All members are welcome - come join us for a stimulating evening or visit to an amazing science facility!
For more information please contact the Astrophysics SIG Coordinator here