SIRTF Launch Successful

Posted On August 25, 2003

Dr Michelle Thaller, Reasearch Scientist and Manager of the SIRTF Education and Public Outreach Program, CALTECH JPL. gave a wonderful presentation on the Space Infrared Telescope Facility at our July meeting just a short while ago.

At this meeting we all learned a great deal about this exciting new space telescope that was then just over a month away from launch (after some delays).

You can find out more about SIRTF by watching Episode 3 of the OCA’s Cable TV show on COX Channel 31 Tuesdays at 11pm (Episode 3 will be aired August 26th and September 2nd).  After this the episode will be available for viewing on the web site.

I am very happy to share the news that the The Space Infrared Telescope Facility launched from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida on Monday, Aug. 25, at 1:35:39 a.m. EDT (Sunday, August 24, at 10:35:39 p.m. PDT).

Congratulations to Dr Thaller and everyone on the SIRTF team from JPL.  We will be very excited to see the first observations from this incredible new facility.  
