President’s Message – September 2002
Posted on by tepiastarAstroImage 2002 – Don’t Panic! As I write this month’s letter for the Sirius Astronomer I find myself in a world of semi-controlled panic. How does that saying go? “Time […]
AstroImage 2002 – Don’t Panic! As I write this month’s letter for the Sirius Astronomer I find myself in a world of semi-controlled panic. How does that saying go? “Time […]
Anza July Star-B-Que Despite some initial cloudy skies – the July Star Party and BBQ turned out to be a very successful affair – both from the delicious foods to […]
Major clean-up at Anza I didn’t manage to attend the Anza clean-up at the last star party on June 8th. However quite a few people did and now the area […]
Internet comes to Anza It was back in October 2001 that I first announced the plans we had developed for a high-speed internet and wireless network capability at our Anza […]
ASTRONOMY DAY 2002 You may recall last years Astronomy Day activities were pretty much clouded out. Not so this year! Through the instigation of member Paul Wendee I heard about […]
Messed up Messier! One advantage of the OCA’s weather station at Anza is that it can be used to remotely view the conditions at the site and to decide whether […]
MOCAT Team I wanted to start off my March message by recognizing the efforts of members of the OCA’s EOA group who have been making steady progress on the development […]
By now I suspect most of you will have seen the results of the OCA’s election as it has been posted to the web site since almost right after the […]
A new year approaches. As I write this presidents letter the holiday season is approaching and beyond that the New Year and all that will bring. As far as the […]
What’s the difference between the Clubs Kuhn Telescope and a Meade LX200? Not a lot actually! But our Kuhn Telescope is a LOT quieter. As of a few weeks ago […]