Category Archives: Presidents Message

President’s Message – June 2004

Posted on by tepiastar

We’ve had a lot going on this spring! In case you’ve missed any of it, here are some of the highlights: Helping Fellow Amateurs in Iran Those who were at […]

President’s Message – May 2004

Posted on by tepiastar

May – the season of warmer nights and still-mild days out at Anza, wildflowers, weeds, and, of course – RTMC! That, though, is the subject of a separate article… Besides […]

President’s Message – April 2004

Posted on by tepiastar

By the time you read this, spring should be in full swing, with temperatures climbing and more people thinking about spending nights out under the stars. Daylight Savings has started, […]

President’s Message – March 2004

Posted on by tepiastar

Time flies by fast, especially when the deadline for material for the Sirius Astronomer is the 15th of the month before each issue – which means that I should be […]

President’s Message – February 2004

Posted on by tepiastar

It’s hard to believe that it’s now been a year since my first President’s Message. Thank you again for trusting me to lead this great organization. All of the past […]

President’s Message – January 2004

Posted on by tepiastar

By Barbara ToyWelcome to 2004 – and I hope you and everyone dear to you had a really wonderful holiday season!Before going to more weighty topics, I’d like to make […]

President’s Message – November 2003

Posted on by tepiastar

The year races on, and those of us who persist on being up at “O-dark-thirty” (to borrow Chris Butler’s popular phrase) have our own ways of telling that winter is […]

President’s Message – October 2003

Posted on by tepiastar

By Barbara ToyOctober, already! It hardly seems possible that we’re going into the tenth month of the year…however, starting with THE astronomical topic of August and September…Mars ManiaWe had some […]

President’s Message – September 2003

Posted on by tepiastar

By Barbara ToyAs I write this, Mars is a blazing glory in the night sky, and is still getting larger in the eyepiece night by night. By the time you […]

President’s message – August 2003

Posted on by tepiastar

by Barbara ToyThe year is really moving along, as we head into prime time for Mars observing. Anza in August can be both a pleasure for observing and a challenge […]