President’s Message – June 2004
Posted on by tepiastarWe’ve had a lot going on this spring! In case you’ve missed any of it, here are some of the highlights: Helping Fellow Amateurs in Iran Those who were at […]
We’ve had a lot going on this spring! In case you’ve missed any of it, here are some of the highlights: Helping Fellow Amateurs in Iran Those who were at […]
May – the season of warmer nights and still-mild days out at Anza, wildflowers, weeds, and, of course – RTMC! That, though, is the subject of a separate article… Besides […]
By the time you read this, spring should be in full swing, with temperatures climbing and more people thinking about spending nights out under the stars. Daylight Savings has started, […]
Time flies by fast, especially when the deadline for material for the Sirius Astronomer is the 15th of the month before each issue – which means that I should be […]
It’s hard to believe that it’s now been a year since my first President’s Message. Thank you again for trusting me to lead this great organization. All of the past […]
By Barbara ToyWelcome to 2004 – and I hope you and everyone dear to you had a really wonderful holiday season!Before going to more weighty topics, I’d like to make […]
The year races on, and those of us who persist on being up at “O-dark-thirty” (to borrow Chris Butler’s popular phrase) have our own ways of telling that winter is […]
By Barbara ToyOctober, already! It hardly seems possible that we’re going into the tenth month of the year…however, starting with THE astronomical topic of August and September…Mars ManiaWe had some […]
By Barbara ToyAs I write this, Mars is a blazing glory in the night sky, and is still getting larger in the eyepiece night by night. By the time you […]
by Barbara ToyThe year is really moving along, as we head into prime time for Mars observing. Anza in August can be both a pleasure for observing and a challenge […]