Category Archives: Presidents Message

President’s Message – March 2006

Posted on by tepiastar

By Barbara ToyThe 2006 Board has been officially installed, and has had its first meeting, and the year already seems to be speeding by pretty fast – it’s close to […]

Around OCA for February, 2006

Posted on by tepiastar

By Barbara ToyWell, the New Year’s Eve star party at Anza didn’t happen, after all – too bad, as it would have been a great way to kick off 2006. […]

President’s Message – April 2005

Posted on by tepiastar

A few words from Dave Radosevich, our reigning president… Messier Marathon: March has turned out to be a busy time at Anza. On the March star party, we hosted the […]

President’s Message – February 2005

Posted on by tepiastar

By Barbara ToyThis is my last formal message to you as president of Orange County Astronomers – a fitting time for some retrospection, introspection, or even plain ol’ reminiscing… Whatever […]

President’s Message – January 2005

Posted on by tepiastar

By Barbara ToyA very happy New Year to all of you! It doesn’t seem that 2004 was with us all that long, but it certainly provided its share of interesting […]

President’s Message – December 2004

Posted on by tepiastar

By Barbara Toy   The year continues speeding along its cycle, and here we are at the Holiday Season – by the time this gets to you, Thanksgiving will be […]

President’s Message – November 2004

Posted on by tepiastar

By the time you read this, we’ll be off Daylight Savings Time – and maybe the rainy season will have begun…I’ve been told that this is supposed to be a […]

President’s Message – October 2004

Posted on by tepiastar

Summer is really over now, in spite of the heat spell in September, though the fire season will be with us for a while longer unless the rainy season starts […]

President’s Message – August 2004

Posted on by tepiastar

In case you haven’t picked up yet on the delicate hints that have been dropped here and there over the last few weeks, this month (August, the 27th and 28th, […]

President’s Message – July 2004

Posted on by tepiastar

Well, this year does continue to be eventful! I’m writing this about a week after the fire that burned over about a third of our property at Anza – the […]