Category Archives: Presidents Message

President’s Message – January 2007

Posted on by tepiastar

By Barbara ToyWell, 2006 is now behind us and I hope that it was a year that brought all of you more good times than bad, and that you are […]

President’s Message – December 2006

Posted on by tepiastar

By Barbara ToyWell, it’s really winter – as evidenced by the fact that the Winter Solstice is upon us (along with the Holiday Season and all that entails!). I hope […]

President’s Message – November 2006

Posted on by tepiastar

By Barbara ToyOCA Election Time!My, my – how quickly this last year has gone by! Not only are the holidays looming, but it’s time once again for the OCA elections; […]

President’s Message – October 2006

Posted on by tepiastar

By Barbara ToyWell, the nights cooled off pretty quickly this year – by mid-September, everyone I saw out at Anza was breaking out their heavy jackets and other cold-weather gear, […]

President’s Message – September 2006

Posted on by tepiastar

By Barbara ToySeptember used to be the month when everybody started a new school year – I guess it still is for a lot of people, but there seem to […]

President’s Message – August 2006

Posted on by tepiastar

By Barbara ToyWell, we are certainly experiencing the full heat of summer – very notable out at Anza, particularly for those who attempt to do things outside during daylight hours. […]

President’s Message – July 2006

Posted on by tepiastar

By Barbara ToyIt’s hard to think of July as a month when the nights are getting longer, especially when dawn shows up so fast when the viewing is good, but […]

President’s Message – June 2006

Posted on by tepiastar

By Barbara ToyJune is the month of the Summer Solstice, when the nights are their shortest and the days their longest. It also tends to be the time of “June […]

President’s Message – May 2006

Posted on by tepiastar

By Barbara ToyWell, it’s hard to believe that our formal Messier Marathon was totally done in by the weather this year, considering that we had two star parties a week […]

President’s Message – April 2006

Posted on by tepiastar

By Barbara ToySo far, 2006 doesn’t seem to be giving us any better skies for viewing than 2005 – at least as of mid-March, as I’m writing this. By the […]