President’s Message – December 2007
Posted on by tepiastarBy Barbara ToyThis is a somewhat abbreviated President’s Message, as the big news is the completion of the Observatory roof, which is covered in a separate article. However, that’s not […]
By Barbara ToyThis is a somewhat abbreviated President’s Message, as the big news is the completion of the Observatory roof, which is covered in a separate article. However, that’s not […]
By Barbara ToyWe’re heading full-tilt into the (mercifully short) annual election season at OCA – so get your nominations in! If you want to run for a Trustee or officer […]
By Barbara ToyStarting with a bit of business – remember that we’ll start taking nominations for the 2008 Board of Trustees a month earlier than in the past, at the […]
By Barbara ToyWhere did the summer go? Here it is, September already, with school starting, most vacations over… for people in our hobby, autumn is usually a great time, as […]
By Barbara ToySummer is now off and running – the summer Milky Way dominates the sky most of the night, we can do our observing in T-shirts and shorts, if […]
By Barbara ToyIn case you get this before our July star party at Anza, this is a reminder – the July star party is our annual Star-B-Que potluck party, so […]
By Barbara ToyJune is the month of the summer solstice, the time of year when the nights are the shortest, and also when the Marine Layer tends to give us […]
By Barbara ToyThere was a lot going on in April – the banquet, the drawing of the winning ticket in the telescope raffle, Astronomy Day – as I write this, […]
By Barbara ToyMoving into April, there are reminders all around us that we’ve had minimal rain this year. On the bright side, we have a lot less damage to the […]
By Barbara ToyFor those who may be missing the hyperactivity of the November-December holiday season – fear not! We’ve got busy times ahead as we move into spring: the Messier […]