Category Archives: Import

Saturday April 30th Black Star Canyon star party

Posted on by tepiastar

Looks like we will have a nice dark sky for the April BSC star party!!!

2016 OCA Messier Marathon

Posted on by tepiastar

Ready to spend all night to try and see all 110 Messier objects in one night? The Anza star party in March was cloudy but there will be other clear nights for seeing all the Messier objects.

Saturday March 5th Black Star Canyon star party

Posted on by tepiastar

If the rain & clouds will hold up, we can hold a BSC star party this Saturday evening.

Feb 13th BSC star party Recap

Posted on by tepiastar

Clear night and we had 24 cars come out to the Valentine Weekend BSC star party.

Saturday Feb 13th Black Star Canyon star party

Posted on by tepiastar

Don’t let the unlucky #13 scare you away from the February 13th BSC star party. The night before Valentine’s should be a warm night with clear skies!!!

Mt. Wilson observatory trips

Posted on by tepiastar

Want to go to Mt. Wilson and view objects through the 60″ or 100″ telescopes?

Saturday Jan 2nd Black Star Canyon star party Recap

Posted on by tepiastar

We only had 4 scopes and 10 people making this the smallest BSC star party I can remember.

Saturday Jan 2nd Black Star Canyon star party

Posted on by tepiastar

Why not start the 2016 New Year off with a star party at Black Star Canyon!!! But do wear clothes that will keep you warm.

December 2015 Presidents Message

Posted on by tepiastar

President’s MessageDecember 2015 I want to say that serving the OCA as President for 2015 has been an honor and a privilege. I want to thank the members for their […]

Saturday Dec 5th Black Star Canyon star party Recap

Posted on by tepiastar

We had 18 cars come out to the December BSC star party and when the skies cleared up, we all had a wonderful time.