Category Archives: Import

BSC star party July 7th

Posted on by tepiastar

This Saturday’s Black Star Canyon star party should be warm and clear…

06/09/07 BSC Recap

Posted on by tepiastar

It was warm, clear and dark…we had 28 cars came out and everyone seemed to have fun!

June 9th 2007 Black Star Canyon star party

Posted on by tepiastar

Don’t miss the star party at Black Star Canyon this month…should be warm & clear!

Enjoying Globular Clusters

Posted on by tepiastar

At the June 12th meeting of the Big Bear Valley Astronomical Society, Paul Littlecoyote will present “Enjoying Globular Clusters”. Globular star clusters are easily visible to observers with even binoculars and small telescopes. A couple can even be seen with the unaided eye. Littlecoyote’s Powerpoint presentation will demonstrate how to find, observe and get the most out of these objects. Observation with the Celestron Nexstar 11 in StarGazers Inn’s Observatory will follow.

First international Sidewalk Astronomy Night, May 19, 2007

Posted on by tepiastar

We’d like to invite all amateur astronomers to take their telescopes out to the sidewalk on the evening of May 19th. We know that many amateurs have commitments with local observatories, planetariums, libraries, etc on the Saturday evening near first quarter Moon, but if you can spare some of your members, it would be great if they could find places where people AREN’T expecting to look through a scope.

05/12/07 BSC Recap

Posted on by tepiastar

Black Star Canyon was warm, clear and fun this past Saturday evening!

Saturday May 12th, 2007 Black Star Canyon star party

Posted on by tepiastar

Should be warm and clear at Black Star Canyon this Saturday evening…perfect for a star party!

Proposed Agenda – Board Meeting on 5/6/07

Posted on by tepiastar

To see the proposed agenda for the Board meeting this coming Sunday, please click on the title. As always, all members are welcome to attend – please contact Barbara Toy or Bob Buchheim in advance if you plan to come. The pre-meeting potluck starts at 5:00, and the meeting at 5:30 p.m.

Orange County Astronomers 40th Anniversary Ball

Posted on by tepiastar

Come One, Come All!
(And bring your loved ones with you!)
Celebrate our 40th Anniversary at the 2007 OCA Banquet at the Orange County Mining Co.

Great company!
Wonderful (and plentiful) food!
Convenient and picturesque location!
Excellent speaker – Dr. Laura Woodney, Comet Researcher!
Who Could Ask For More?

Calendar the date: 4/28/07 at 7:00 p.m.
Only $45.00 per ticket – Available from Charlie Oostdyk
See you there!

Mission to Asteroids at Altadena Library on Sunday, April 22

Posted on by tepiastar

Mankind’s next small step (or giant leap) spaceward is NASA’s Dawn Mission to the Asteroid Belt, planned for launch in late June or July.¬† On Sunday, April 22, 2:30 p.m. at the Altadena Public Library, Dr. Marc Rayman of JPL will describe the Dawn mission, including its use of ion propulsion and its two exotic destinations.