Category Archives: Import

Saturday July 30th Black Star Canyon star party

Posted on by tepiastar

July BSC star party should be great, if it does not rain!!!

Starbecue on 7/30/16!

Posted on by tepiastar

Our annual Starbecue potluck party will be the next Anza Star Party, on 7/30/16, next Saturday. It will be at the club observatory in the shade on the east side of the building. Bring a dish for about 6-8 people to share. We’ll have the barbecue going, so you can bring something to grill. The club will provide plates, tableware and bottled water. Bring a chair if you want a place to sit. We’ll be setting things up starting around 5:00, and plan to eat by around 6:00 – hope to see you there!

Kuhn Telescope Back In Action

Posted on by tepiastar

Thanks to the efforts of Pat Knoll and Trey McGriff, the Kuhn telescope is back in operation, with a new control cable, dec drive that has been cleaned and re-lubricated, and a clean mirror. We expect that it will be operating for the next star party, and hope that, if you are out at Anza for the Starbecue, you’ll stop by the observatory and take a look through it!

Barbara Toy
Observatory Custodian

June 25th BSC star party Recap

Posted on by tepiastar

Great clear warm evening star party with 21 cars and 31 people attending.

Saturday June 24th Black Star Canyon star party

Posted on by tepiastar

Looking good for a clear night at BSC so we can see Mars while it is still so close & big! Saturn will be at its best and Jupiter is always fun to view.

May 28th BSC star party Recap

Posted on by tepiastar

20 cars came out but the sky was too cloudy to see anything.

Saturday May 28th Black Star Canyon star party

Posted on by tepiastar

Mars should look great if we just can get a clear night sky!!!

OCA Teenagers SIG

Posted on by tepiastar

Announcement of the start of a special group for teenagers in OCA

Owens Valley Radio Observatory Trip

Posted on by tepiastar

We are planning a trip to Owens Valley Radio Observatory on June 10-11 this summer

Apr 30th BSC star part Recap

Posted on by tepiastar

We had 17 cars come out and the clouds cleared up for them!