Category Archives: Import

Saturday March 1st Black Star Canyon star party

Posted on by tepiastar

We should have a nice clear dark sky for our nearby Black Star Canyon star party…it is just 10 miles from the East Chapman off-ramp on the 55 freeway in Orange.

Astrophysics Meeting Friday 2/15/08!

Posted on by tepiastar

Our monthly meeting of the Astrophysics SIG is this Friday, 2/15/08, at 7:30 p.m. in the Carriage House classroom at the Centennial Heritage Museum, and will feature two more lectures in the series on dark energy and dark matter as well as our usual discussion, socializing, and explanations of recent photos from NASA and other sources by Don Lynn. For more information, please click on the title to this article.

02/09/2008 BSC star party recap

Posted on by tepiastar

Maybe the best February BSC star party ever…clear dark skies and good seeing.

Black Star Canyon star party Saturday 02/09/2008

Posted on by tepiastar

This Saturday should be a good night to see comets, asteroids, planets, galaxies, star clusters and so much more from the bowl in near-by Black Star Canyon…

Death Valley National Park Astronomy Week, Jan 28 – Feb 2

Posted on by tepiastar

Death Valley National Park, the Las Vegas Astronomical Society, and Furnace Creek Inn and Ranch Resort will present Astronomy Week, Jan 28 – Feb 2.
Activities will include guided walks, solar and night observing, and evening lectures outdoor and indoor. Attached are a /resources/flyers/Astronomy%20Week%20Flyer%20web.pdf flyer and /resources/flyers/Astronomy Week Schedule of Events _for public distribution_.pdf schedule of events in pdf format.

Proposed Agenda for Board Meeting 1/20/08

Posted on by tepiastar

Click on the title to view the proposed agenda for the OCA Board Meeting this coming Sunday, 1/20/08. There may be modifications to the agenda before the meeting – please check back to see if it’s been modified.

The meeting starts at 5:30 p.m., with our usual potluck at 5:00. All members are welcome to attend, but please contact Bob Buchheim or me in advance if you plan to come, so we can comply with the security requirements of our host for the meetings, Lockheed Martin in Irvine, and also to get directions.

01/12/08 BSC star party recap

Posted on by tepiastar

The first BSC star party of 2008 was great…sky was clear and temp was moderate.

Black Star Canyon star party 01/12/08

Posted on by tepiastar

The first Black Star Canyon star party of 2008 should have dark clear skies!

Black Star Canyon star party 01/12/2008

Posted on by tepiastar

The first BSC star party of 2008 should be dark & clear!

How to Use Your Telescope class tonight – even if it rains!

Posted on by tepiastar

We’ll be having our “How to Use Your Telescope” class tonight, 1/4/08, at 7:30 p.m. at the Centennial Heritage Museum, even if it rains. So, if you have a telescope and want some help with it, bring it along! If you can come and help people learn to use their telescopes – we can use the help!

If it’s raining, we’ll meet inside the usual classroom for the Beginners Astronomy Class (the ground floor of the Carriage House); if it’s dry, we’ll meet in the parking area near the Carriage House. See you there!