Category Archives: Import

11/07/09 BSC star party recap

Posted on by tepiastar

We only had 15 cars but a lot of guests. The night sky was clear…for a few hours.

Agenda for Board Meeting 11/8/09

Posted on by tepiastar

The next meeting of the OCA Board is this coming Sunday, 11/8/09 at 5:30 p.m., with the pre-meeting potluck at 5:00. All members are welcome to attend, but please contact Bob Buchheim or Barbara Toy in advance if you plan to be there.

To see the proposed Agenda for the meeting, please click on the title.

11/07/09 BSC star party

Posted on by tepiastar

We start at dark so will be a long Black Star Canyon star party now that daylight savings time has ended. This near-town star party is calling your name…

10/10/09 BSC star party RECAP

Posted on by tepiastar

We had 15 cars come out and the sky was clear as the sun set…but clouded over at 7:30

BSC star party Saturday Oct 10th

Posted on by tepiastar

We should have dark clear skies this Saturday night at Black Star Canyon. Why not drop by this nearby OCA star party and bring your scope!

09/12/09 BSC star party RECAP

Posted on by tepiastar

We had 20 cars and about 30 people at the BSC star party this past Saturday. The sky was very clear and dark up until just past 10 pm…then it clouded over fast and everyone left before 11 pm.

Book Review: Von Braun

Posted on by tepiastar

Wernher von Braun had a remarkable life, overflowing with accomplishments and marked by stark contradictions …

Agenda – 9/13/09 Board Meeting

Posted on by tepiastar

To see the proposed agenda for the Board meeting this coming Sunday, 9/13/09, please click on the title. As always, all members are welcome to attend, but please let Bob Buchheim or Barbara Toy know in advance if you are planning to be there.

Saturday 09/12/09 Black Star Canyon star party

Posted on by tepiastar

This may be the last warm BSC star party this year…so come on out and enjoy this local fun event.

Movie Review: The Woman in the Moon

Posted on by tepiastar

This is a remarkable and prescient movie!
The plot is fairly straightforward: A German industrialist has constructed a rocket ship, in which he and his chief engineer …