Category Archives: Import

06/25/11 BSC star party Recap

Posted on by tepiastar

We only had 13 cars come out to take advantge of one of the darkest BSC star parties ever. We even could see the Milky Way.

Saturday 06/25/11 BSC star party

Posted on by tepiastar

First summer Black Star Canyon star party this year should be a good one. Come on out and have some fun under the stars in warm weather.

05/28/11 BSC star party Recap

Posted on by tepiastar

We only had about 15 cars come out…as the sky was partially cloudy.

Saturday 05/28/11 BSC star party

Posted on by tepiastar

The near town Black Star Canyon star party should be well attended…as we expect clear skies and warm weather.

04/30/11 BSC star party recap

Posted on by tepiastar

Finally, good weather for a 2011 Black Star Canyon star party…and we were open until midnight.

Saturday 04/30/11 BSC star party

Posted on by tepiastar

Rain has cancelled the last two Black Star Canyon star parties…but the rain is gone and the weather is warm. Looking good for a nice, clear dark night this Saturday!!!

03/26/2011 Saturday Black Star Canyon star party

Posted on by tepiastar

If the weather clears up we could have a great star party…but not looking too good right now.

Saturday 02/26/11 Black Star Canyon star party

Posted on by tepiastar

Looks like rain may spoil this star party…so keep a watch on this website Saturday for a possible cancellation notice.

Saturday 01/08/2011 Black Star Canyon star party

Posted on by tepiastar

Start off the new year with a star party at nearby Black Star Canyon. We should even see the glow of the Milky Way Saturday night.

12/11/10 BSC star party recap

Posted on by tepiastar

May have been the warmest December BSC star party ever…but we only had 12 cars come out.