Category Archives: Import

Saturday November 17th Black Star Canyon star party

Posted on by tepiastar

If it doesn’t rain or get cloudy, we should have dark skies for the scheduled star party.

Science Hobbyists Needed for a National Study

Posted on by tepiastar

Are you a science hobbyist? Your help is needed with a new National Science Foundation sponsored research study that will investigate the characteristics and educational experiences of people who are active in science hobbies.

Saturday October 20th Black Star Canyon star party

Posted on by tepiastar

Getting dark early gives us more time to observe the night sky at Black Star Canyon. We are expecting good weather and moderate temperatures.

09/08/12 BSC star party Recap

Posted on by tepiastar

Was warm, and best star party ever with 70% cloud cover…25 cars showed up and we had some good viewing!

Saturday September 8th Black Star Canyon star party

Posted on by tepiastar

Don’t miss the last summer star party of 2012 at nearby Black Star Canyon…it should be warm, dark & clear.

08/11/12 BSC star party Recap

Posted on by tepiastar

We had 23 cars come out to Black Star Canyon on an evening that started off very overcast…but the sky did clear.

Saturday August 11th Black Star Canyon star party

Posted on by tepiastar

We should have quite a crowd at the August star party being the night should be warm, clear and sky should be dark. Don’t miss this friendly near town star party!

07/14/12 BSC star party Recap

Posted on by tepiastar

We had 17 cars show up and view objects in clear skies with warm temperatures.

Saturday July 14th Black Star Canyon star party

Posted on by tepiastar

Hope it will not be too hot for the July star party…

06/23/12 BSC star party recap

Posted on by tepiastar

Another clear warm star party at BSC where we could even see the Milky Way.