Category Archives: Article

Saturday Dec 17th BSC star party

Posted on by tepiastar

Come on out to the last near-town OCA star party this year. If we can stay warm, we should have a number of nice objects to view.

Leonid Report

Posted on by tepiastar

By Wayne Johnson (aka Mr. Galaxy)The Leonids: A ReportI went out to Anza last Sunday night (Nov 15/16) to show objects (including 3 pretty nice comets) to an observational astronomy […]

Saturday Nov 19th BSC star party

Posted on by tepiastar

How about attending a near-town star party just before Thanksgiving? Weather should be warm even though it is November.

October 22nd BSC star party Recap

Posted on by tepiastar

We had 25 cars and about 45 people attend the star party and enjoy the fairly clear night sky.

Saturday October 22nd BSC star party

Posted on by tepiastar

Should be another warm clear night for the October BSC star party.

2017 OCA Banquet

Posted on by tepiastar

Saturday January 14th, 2017 OCA Banquet at JT Schmid’s in Anaheim.

September 24th BSC star party Recap

Posted on by tepiastar

We had another great local star party under clear skies and warm temperatures. Over 30 people came out in 23 cars.

Saturday September 24th BSC star party

Posted on by tepiastar

The September star party should have a clear night sky and lots of interesting objects to view. Come on out why it is still warm.

August 27th BSC star party Recap

Posted on by tepiastar

Great star party, viewed all 7 planets. Had 23 cars come out and about 35 people.

Saturday August 27th BSC star party

Posted on by tepiastar

Don’t miss the conjunction of Saturn, Mars and bright star Antares all in a line behind the Scorpion’s head. Also you will want to see Jupiter and Venus lie closer to each other than they have since 2000.