This is a free and open to the public online event. Join Zoom Come and socialize with your fellow astronomy enthusiasts face-to-face virtually! Bring your latest astrophotography, mini-presentation, questions […]
Meteor experts say the Geminid meteor shower is hands-down the best in the heavens, producing 120 multicolored meteors at the peak. Produced by debris left behind by the asteroid 3200 […]
The monthly meeting of the Astrophysics Special Interest Group at 7:30 at the Heritage Museum. Please contact the SIG chair for details and requirements. See the Contacts section of the […]
This minor meteor shower runs Dec. 17-25 and offers about five or 10 an hour. It is produced by dust grains left behind by comet 8P/Tuttle, discovered in 1790. A […]
This is a free and open to the public event (In-person event only). The 5th session of the Beginners Astronomy Class is the "How to Use Your Telescope". If you […]
This is a free and open to the public hybrid event, held both inperson and online. Due to the newly effective insurance requirements, we regret that we can not allow […]