This is a free and open to the public online event. Join Zoom Cosmic rays, antimatter, dark matter: connecting the dots In August 1912, Austrian physicist Victor Hess made a discovery that opened a new window to the most energetic phenomena happening in the universe: he had discovered cosmic rays. Cosmic […]
This is a free and open to the public online event. Join Zoom Come and socialize with your fellow astronomy enthusiasts face-to-face virtually! Bring your latest astrophotography, mini-presentation, questions or none and your own refreshments.
The OCA Board meeting will happen on September 11, at 10:30am via Zoom. All current members are welcome to attend the meeting, please contact Alan Smallbone so that the meeting information can be sent to you.
The monthly meeting of the Astrophysics Special Interest Group at 7:30 at the Heritage Museum. Please contact the SIG chair for details and requirements. See the Contacts section of the website for details on contacting the group.
This is the one meteor shower of the year that is best viewed in the early evening hours. A minor meteor shower that runs Oct. 6-10, it produces about 10 shooting stars an hour. The first-quarter moon will blot out all but the brightest meteors from this shower, created by comet 21P Giacobini-Zinner.