This is an online event, to attend please register with zoom using the link on the box above. Dark Matter and the Dance of Dwarf Galaxies Major galaxies, such as our cosmic home the Milky Way, the nearby Andromeda galaxy, or Centaurus A, are surrounded by swarms of smaller dwarf satellite galaxies. Over the past 15 years, our knowledge of […]
This event is free and open to public, to attend please register using the link on the box above. Come and socialize with your fellow astronomy enthusiasts face-to-face virtually! Bring your latest astrophotos, mini-presentation, questions or none and your own refreshments.
This is an online event held by OCA for VCAS. No prior registration is required but when entering the webinar, zoom will ask for your name and email. At the time of the meeting, to attend via zoom app click here, via your browser click here. To install the zoom app click here.
The first full moon of the year is colloquially known as Wolf Moon in many northern cultures. A Full Moon occurs when the Sun and the Moon are on opposite sides of the Earth.
RSVP using the link on the box above. Please install/update zoom client prior to the event. This is the "How to Use Your Telescope" session of the Beginners Astronomy Class. If you have a telescope and would like some help learning to set it up and use it, attend this on-line class. For details, […]