

The Waxing and Waning Crescent Moon phases in April and May are the best time to see earthshine, where the unlit part of the Moon becomes visible. It is also known as Da Vinci glow.

Lyrid Meteor Shower


The Lyrid meteor shower is expected to peak around April 22 and 23, depending on your location.

Lyrid Meteor Shower


The Lyrid meteor shower is expected to peak around April 22 and 23, depending on your location.

Super Moon / Pink Moon


April's Full Moon is traditionally known as the Pink Full Moon. This year, it's also a Super Moon, so it will look a little larger than a usual Full Moon.

Star-B-Que and Star Party

The best spot 2900 Bristol St., E206, Costa Mesa, CA, United States

The first Star-B-que since the pandemic started is slated for July 30, 2022. This is a pot luck gathering at the Kuhn Observatory at Anza. Bring a dish to share with your fellow astronomers. The club will have some tables set up and a bbq available to use, so please bring something to share and […]