Anza House

Posted On April 8, 1999

March was clean-up and drapery month for Anza House. Lead by Karen Caldwell several OCA members participated in a rod and drape day during the March star party. Russell Sipe, Dave Hobbs, and John (last name?) were the rod hangers while Sandy (last name?) and Karen Caldwell prepared and hung the drapes. Anwar (last name?) and several others did general cleaning. Lea Dawson prepared an award winning chili dinner for the workers. A boom box provided oldies and, as they say, a good time was had by all.

Earlier in the month Karen brought Jeff Harvey, a fellow worker at Quest Environmental where Karen is marketing director, to sanitize Anza House and make sure we were clear of any potential hantavirus threat. Thanks to Karen, Jeff, and Quest Envirornmental for the donation of their time.

Each month Anza House is looking better and better as our volunteers apply liberal elbow grease to the situation. Thanks to all who have helped.

Photos this month are by Karen Caldwell