10/29/11 BSC star party Recap
Posted On October 31, 2011
I opened the gate at
Then we got to see the
Jupiter was up early and showed off its belts and moons to anyone pointing their scope that way. Day & her husband were able to see the Andromeda Galaxy through their binoculars for the first time after getting some assistance. Jonathan and Jennifer had their new 8″ Celestron busy finding Messier objects.
Hassi had a number of his students attend the star party and he ended up showing them every planet but Saturn & Mars along with many other interesting objects. David had his huge 13″ mirror Celestron set up and generously showed many of us all sorts of objects starting with M2 and then the Blue Snowball. Don had his 10″ Meade set up and showed us some nice views of several Messier objects.
I did locate asteroids Vesta and Ceres and then viewed M31 but never could find M32, M110 or M33 in my small 5″ Meade ETX125. Vittal had his 10″ DOBS busy as usual. Liam’s friend, Dr. George Smith enjoyed his first time at
We had 24 cars come out and everyone seemed to have a good time. But it did get cold so everyone left by