Progress on Public Pad Expansion at Anza

Posted On December 13, 2000

All those of you who visit the Anza facility will know of the "Football Field" or Members Observing Area. This is an area of the site which has a number of concrete pads for the placement of members telescopes - but there is no provision of power to the area.

A few months ago Russell Sipe announced an important development at the Anza observing site which will benefit many members. The OCA Board had voted to expand the pads and to add electricity to this area. The work is progressing quite rapidly now with the help of members such as Vance Tyree, Don Lynn, and board members Gary Schones, Russell Sipe, and Liam Kennedy.

Below are some photographs of the progress to date..

We inscribed our names into the concrete - and added Charlie Oostdyk into the cement in reference to his almost single-handed efforts which resulted in the first 4 pads some 15 years previously.

All the electrical points will be placed on sturdy concrete pads in order to minimize risk of damage (although everyone will need to be careful of not damaging their vehicles).

There is more to be done. We are going to be returning to complete the work with the building of a further 6 pads - adding to the 4 we just did and the 4 already there. These pads will be built at a slight angle to the existing pads in order to preserve the maximum amount of parking space.

It would be great to have more OCA Members helping out next time. More hands definitely makes lighter work. You do not need to know anything about laying concrete - just bring muscle!

Thanks to: Don Lynn, Gary Schones, Russell Sipe, Vance Tyree, Liam Kennedy