Presidents Message – October 2001

Posted On October 1, 2001

A month we shall never forget

I cannot possibly write my presidents message this month without finding myself reflecting on the recent events in New York. Although the event has nothing specifically to do with our club - it no doubt is something that is impacting all our lives.

One of the first things to occur of direct connection between the events was related to our speaker for October. Leif Robinson lives in Boston and during the first few days we were all wondering what the impact would be on travel. Leif quickly confirmed that he would be flying out for the meeting. I am sure we will all hold a special welcome for him.

It was our Anza Star Party on the 15th. I was scheduled to run the Kuhn Telescope for the first time after becoming a Star Member. Bob Buchheim helped me through the night. Everyone we met was reflecting on the tragedy - while at the same time enjoying the delight of the beautiful dark skies we had that night.

The OCA board meeting was scheduled for Sunday 16th September. All board members were keen to continue as normal with the meeting - and not to let these events alter our plans. We started our meeting with a 1-minute silence to show our respect, and add our thoughts and prayers to everyone impacted.
I do hope this message finds all of you safe and well. My prayers and thoughts are with all the families who mourn the loss of loved ones.


The OCA's annual banquet is going to be held at our usual place - the Orange County Mining Company restaurant on November 4th. We'll be giving further information soon - but be prepared to purchase tickets at the coming OCA Meetings.

Liam Kennedy
"every day we are connecting ever more photons of light from distant galaxies to the eyes, hearts, minds and imaginations of our members and others in our community."