Dennis Mammana, internationally known astrophotographer and amateur astronomer, is the featured speaker at the May meeting of the Leisure World Astronomy Club on May 25, 2004 at 7:30 p.m. OCA members and other visitors are welcome. Here are the details…
The Babcock Memorial Symposium features talks by 9 astronomers who were important in the histories of Mt. Wilson and Las Campanas Observatories. Here are the details:
The Electronically Oriented Astronomers SIG (aka the EOA) is changing its regular meeting day from the 3rd Wednesday of the month to the 4th Monday of the month. The next meeting date is therefore July 26, 2004. The location and time will stay the same.
On 5/20/04 at 7:00p.m. at CalTech’s Beckman Auditorium, JPL’s Donald Yeomans talks about the scenario in the movie “Armageddon” and finding near-earth objects that could collide with earth. Here are the details.
Come out early for the star party at Anza this Saturday, and help clean up the site! We need to do weed clearance for fire control and general safety (as well as for comfort!), clear away various piles of rubbish, and generally clean things up. Please feel free to bring clippers, weed-eaters, trowels, shovels, and other tools to help out. See you out there!
May – the season of warmer nights and still-mild days out at Anza, wildflowers, weeds, and, of course – RTMC! That, though, is the subject of a separate article… Besides […]