10/28/06 Black Star Canyon

Posted On October 30, 2006

The gate was opened just before 5:30 pm and the temp was a warm 72 F. The sky darkened slowly and even with the 1st Qtr moon setting in the west, we were able to see the Andromeda Galaxy with the naked eye. Comet Swan was found near M13 in Hercules quite easily as the skies were very clear.

Hassi showed everyone that even with a very small 60 mm 30-90 zoom inexpensive device, one could find and see double stars, star clusters and distant nebula if you knew where to look.

We ended up with 17 cars which included a few visitors and some first time member visits. As the temp dropped, most everyone was gone by 10:30 but a few hardy observers stayed until midnight when the temp was down to 45 F.
