Presidents Message – September 2001

Posted On September 1, 2001

Great Food, Great Company and CLOUDS!

The August Star-B-Que turned out to be a very successful event - despite some last minute Murphy's law trying to prevent us from having the Gas BBQ working. With some running around and some great help from members the problem was solved and we managed to get the thing working.

OCA Members and their guests enjoy the food and company at the August Star-B-Que

The clouds definitely did not help the turn-out - although things seemed clear back in Orange County - while approaching the area everyone could see the expanse of clouds that appeared to be growing right over our site. Ever the Astronomical optimists - we were all hoping it would clear up before nightfall.
I wonder how many of our members looked at the web-site and saw the clouds displayed on the WeatherCAM and decided to stay away? In this case - as far as observing was concerned - I must say that was the right decision! Although through a couple of lucky breaks in the clouds I personally managed to have a few good minutes looking at M13 and M57 and a few other objects.

The Kuhn Telescope
This month recently re-trained Star Members Barbara and John Torrence operated our Kuhn telescope. Although the weather did not help - I know many members and their guests managed to enjoy viewing a few objects through the scope. Thankfully It looks like we are fully covered by Star Members for the remainder of the year - so we can all benefit from the Kuhn telescope being open on Star Party nights. Thank you Barbara and John - and every other Star Member - who is giving their time to operate the club telescope.

Star Cruiser Observatory
Prior to the BBQ - many members had the opportunity to be present at the official openhouse for the new Starcruiser observatory. Russell Sipe thanked many friends and members who had helped him out in many ways during the construction. Russ has plans to use his new observatory for research - but on Star Party nights it will be used as a club telescope.

Russell Sipe with many of the people who helped with this project.

The OCA's annual banquet is going to be held at our usual place - the Orange County Mining Company restaurant on November 4th. We'll be giving further information soon - but be prepared to purchase tickets at the coming OCA Meetings.

Liam Kennedy
"every day we are connecting ever more photons of light from distant galaxies to the eyes, hearts, minds and imaginations of our members and others in our community."